Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I'm not lost...

and no I haven't forgotten that I have a blog like some of you may be thinking. I have been busy with other things, but now that Christmas is over and things have calmed down a little bit I decided to add to our blog.

We had a wonderful Christmas, spending time with family and playing in the 2 feet of snow we had in Elkridge Utah. It was great. The kids had a wonderful Christmas and got what they wanted. Tyler really wanted a Nintendo DS like his older sisters. He got one and convinced Grandpa to play with him. Tom has never held a DS in his life so Tyler thought it was great because he won every time!
We had to break out the Rockband that we brought down with us. It was a big hit with the big kids ;). ROCK ON!
Kristy, Ron and Trevor on drums.
Trevor, Kristy and Ian on drums.
Trevor, Ian and Kristy on drums.
Tom and Kathie have this fun ball that the kids all fight over. Tyler got inside of it and I just had to take a picture. Isn't he cute!
Ron and I played Trivia Pursuit with his Mom and his sister Kristy along with her husband Jon. The kids were entertaining themselves. At about midnight we found them like this...
I have no idea how he could fall asleep like that.
Megan was watching us play.

Thanks everyone for making Christmas so special. Thanks Mom and Dad for housing us for so long and Tom and Kathie for having a fun Rockband party and a great sledding party. You were all very generous and we love you all!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Looks like a fun Christmas.