Thursday, December 4, 2008

I'm back!!!

Ok I really didn't go anywhere, I just haven't been posting. My problem with posting is downloading my pictures. Not that it's difficult, or that time consuming, but it does take time and I hate it. Well I see I haven't posted in like 3 weeks and I do have lots of pictures so I thought I would share them with you.

Last month the kids were suppost to be going to bed. Ron was trying to get a TV/VCR working in Courtney and Sydneys room, but they couldn't find the remote for it, so they put a movie in and that worked. After about 20 min. of them being quiet and Ron missing too I decided to investigate. This is what I can upon. Them all watching a home movie of when Megan was about 18 months old.
Megan couldn't wait until she got dressed from showering. She will now wish she would have been dressed. Ron is wearing his old mission pants. I have told him so many times to get rid of them, but he says they are his most comfortable pants. He will now wish he would have listened to me!

I'm glad that we have those videos to help us remember how cute they were and to also be glad they have all grown and we don't have diapers anymore!


Amberly said...

Glad you're back. If I play hockey with you next time will your dad hook me up with some cash? I'll start practicing just in case.

Stacey said...

What can I say, boys just get attached to old comfortable clothes. Especially bed time clothes. I dread the day that I look back and Jules being this age because I know by then, she will be big and that's just sad to me. Can't she just stay small and cute?