Monday, March 2, 2009

Megan's Band Concert

When kids are in 6th grade (Middle School here) they have to take Band, Orchestra or Music. I wanted her to take music so we didn't have to buy an instrument or listen to her practice. She really wanted to take band though, so being the bad mom I am said ok, but only if you play the flute. I figured the flute isn't that loud and it's small enough to pack to and from school everyday. She agreed with it, well about 1 1/2 months ago she came home from school saying they are having a parent band that we have to participate in. She got to teach me 3 different notes and I had to learn 4 songs. After I learned the notes and was able to play the songs she brought me a paper saying it wasn't mandatory but voluntary. I figured she already taught me so I may as well keep doing it. I knew she really wanted me to. Well last Thursday they had there 2nd concert along with the parent band performing.

There were only about 15 parents that participated in the parents band. I'm glad I got the chance to do it. I really appreciate the hard work and effort Megan had gone to in learning to play the way she does.

It's hard to see Megan, but she's to the right of her teacher on the front row the second child in. They really did a great job! I'm proud of her for learning a new instrument from knowing nothing about music. She is going to take band again next year.


Nate and Lana Hope said...

Good job Megan! I played the flute in junior high! (don't tell her I don't have a clue how to now and I stunk at it BIG time!) :) That is so fun you got to participate! Good job! What an awesome mom!

Stacey said...

I'm so proud of you Cheryl. I'm actually more proud of Megan for having the patients to teach YOU. That is a job and a half and should get an automatic A for it. Good job Megan.

Lisa said...

Nice Job, Cheryl! I would have been too much of a chicken to get up there.

Candice said...

You got pretty good pictures for how far back you were sitting! The parent band did a lot better then us 5-parent member orcherestra. I know you enjoyed the laugh! We will see how well you do next year with Courtney! :)