Monday, September 8, 2008

Megan and soccer

So I'm not the kind of mom that has her kids in all sort of different sports and activities. I don't like to have to drive everyday to bring kids and pick them up, but we have made an exception for Megan a few times to play soccer. I like this because there is an end and you only have to pay once for the 3 months or so. Saturday she had her first game of the fall season and she rocked. She played defense this game and really kickes those balls out of there. During spring season she kind of kicked it alittle, but never very far. This time she is getting the hang of it and booted them out of there. We were congratulating her after the game and commenting on her kicking and she said she didn't know she could do that. The coach is going to be trying different positions, so we will see where she ends up this week. I really wanted to take my camera and then I completely forgot, so you just have to trust me. Her team won 6-2. Way to go Megan and the Blue Ice team!!!

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