Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Tyler has a new friend!

Monday Tyler came home from Kindergarten wanting to play with a girl in his kindergarten class named Jesica. I had no idea who Jesica was and no way of getting hold of her. Tuesday I gave Tyler a piece of paper to bring to school to get Jesica's phone number. So he came home yesterday with her phone number and we called to see if she could play. Her mom said yes and that she would bring her over in about 1 1/2 hours. Tyler was mad because he wanted her to come over now. Tyler is just so fun to tease, so I kept asking him if Jesica was coming and is she is his girlfriend. He would get so embarrassed that he had to hide his face.

So when she came over he was so excited he didn't know what to do with himself. He went outside to play and forgot to bring her along. They finally got things figured out and played outside most of the time. They had a great time on the trampoline.

Tyler is jumping like a robot.

All in all they had a great time playing with each other. He has great taste because Jesica is really cute and fun to play with. When it was time for Jesica to go home they literally gave each other about 20 hugs. What a cute couple they make!!! And if Tyler could read he would kill me for posting this stuff, so don't tell him!

p.s. Jesica's mom told me that Jesica came home from school with a secret. She said she gave Tyler a kiss on the forehead or cheek, I can't remember. Tyler gets mad when you talk about it though. I think it's just because he is way to embarrassed!


Kellie-n-Sterling said...

That is soooo cute! He is such a cute little boy!

Stacey said...

You're right, he would kill you if he could read what you wrote. They make a cute couple that's for sure. What a ladies man.

Amberly said...

So did you sing "Tyler and Jessica sitting in a tree...?"

How do you like the ribbon keepers?

weeze or Alissa said...

No way Cherly, that's my little Tyler...the baby I used to listen for on the monitor. Man he looks so much like Courtney! And he does have good taste..what two cuties!

Nate and Lana Hope said...

So cute! hey i tagged you on my blog, check it out!